Holding ARM continues to strengthen its position in the microprocessor market, which is clearly reflected in the report for the third quarter 2012, ended in September. Note that the British designer is not the manufacturer of chips and has benefited from licensing to third parties, among which appear, for example, Samsung, Qualcomm, NVIDIA and Apple.
For the third quarter Holding revenue was $ 227.9 million, which is 18% higher than the same period last year, $ 192.3 million. Developer Profit before tax is measured by the value of $ 107.3 million. This is 22% more profit for the third quarter of 2011, equal to $ 89.1 million.
For the quarter ARM signed 29 license agreements, which, among other things, specifies the conditions for the use of micro-processors and ARMv8 Cortex-A15. During the reporting period were sold 2.2 billion processor ARM architecture , about half of which are designed for mobile devices.