Barnes & Noble company, get involved in competition with Amazon first on the market of devices for reading e-books, and then in the tablet segment, each quarter shows reduction of revenue, holds regular sales of its electronic products, and some associate reported about Microsoft intentions to buy Nook Media, in which the software giant already owns almost 17% of the shares.
The next quarterly Barnes & Noble report told that Nook company direction reduced its revenue by 34% in the sequential comparison, and by 16.8% in annual terms. Revenue from sales of electronic devices has decreased since the devices themselves were sold less.
Representatives of Barnes & Noble made an important statement. To protect the company from many of the risks associated with the release of tablets with full-color screens, the company plans to find a partner to produce such a device. As for monochrome newsreaders, Barnes & Noble will continue to develop their own devices and select a contractor at its discretion. The tablet will be produced under the joint brand name with a certain electronics manufacturer, whose name was not called.
Existing stocks of tablets Barnes & Noble will sell out before the end of the year, to ensure their full warranty and service support, including software updates. In the U.S. market the company controls about 27% of the market of e-books, so this line of reform is not affected.