Until a suitable replacement has been found for semiconductors, computers will depend on them, and every year to absorb more and more relevant products, from memory chips to processors. As reports EE Times citing industry statistics, in June revenues from sales of semiconductor products reached a record value - $ 27.57 billion. This is 10.8% more than the previous year, and 2.6% May figure. Total second quarter of this year were sold semiconductor products for $ 82.7 billion. During the first half revenues up 11.1% compared to the same period of 2013, which also marked a record for the time proceeds.
Best selling memory. It is used in computers, tablets and smartphones, manufacturing capabilities of companies producing memory is limited and demand is steadily growing - as a result the prices remain high, leading to an increase in revenue. Processors also sold well. The largest consumers of semiconductors are computers and related mobile devices. In this case, there are always new promising market niches, demonstrating demand for semiconductor products,
Some hope experts associated with the growth of the world economy, as long as the main sources of growth for the market of developed countries remain with them is not so large, but rather provided solvency customer base. However, many electronics manufacturers are already receiving a substantial portion of its revenues in emerging economies, where the market is far from saturation. The question is the price of goods, which will provide revenue growth: still allowed to integrate technology more and more advanced functionality into increasingly cheap chips. Related Products :