Especially for computing devices with high demands on memory bandwidth AMD and SK Hynix developed a standard called HBM (High Bandwidth Memory), which uses a multi-layer arrangement of chips. This standard will replace GDDR5 in graphics card AMD generation Pirate Islands.
The materials of the presentation SK Hynix stated that memory HBM with four-layer organization involves a significant increase in bandwidth compared with popular chips DDR3 (16 times) and GDDR5 (4.5 times). The memory is the first generation of HBM operates on the effective frequency of 1 GHz, uses a 1024-bit interface, and the volume of modules is limited to one gigabyte. In the second generation modules HBM volume increase to 4 GB (4 layers) and 8 GB (8 layers), the effective frequency - up to 2 GHz, and the capacity - up to 256 GB / s.
It is reported that the memory HBM will work in GPUs Fiji, which will appear in video cards Radeon R9 380X and will compete directly with the GeForce GTX 980. The latter should be a hypothetical rival the GeForce GTX 980 Ti or GeForce GTX Titan 2. Related Products :