TerraServer - the first publicly available an interactive satellite map of the world and the world's first database size in terabytes. This raises the question - but if the project is authored by Microsoft TerraServer was born 4 years before Google Earth, then why today we do not use it on our smartphones instead of products Google?
In those years the company has been active in promoting their products to work with SQL, and to showcase the next generation of the current SQL Server required a significant amount of data. According to the original plan, the course had to go to a full archive of the transaction in the history of the New York Stock Exchange, which is available online and offered a search function; however, when it became clear that the entire amount will be terabyte database, the company abandoned the idea.
Help came from the US Geological Survey, which in 1997 spread the archives of satellite and other photos online. joined the project Jim Gray from Microsoft, laid the foundations for its transformation into a major development, and quickly found out that fast with such a volume of data will not operate. After the archive have been added declassified Russian military photos, it amounted to 2.3 terabytes. At this stage the project was connected to Tom Barclay, who was involved in the company database issues - TerraServer for it was the first to create a website.
Microsoft, however, in those years did not attach much importance to the user information collected as a result of the service - the company most interested in a demonstration of what it is capable the software .
The project has been relatively successful from a technological point of view - it served 7 million visitors each day; However, Microsoft has not managed to extract a profit from it. Related Products :