The modern interpretation of Moore's Law allows a doubling of transistor density in microprocessors every two and a half years, Intel began to manipulate information on the timing of first 10-nm processors. In accordance with the strategy of "tick-tock", the first time the new process technology to be tested in the framework of the existing micro-architecture.
Both processors Kaby Lake will debut with chipsets two hundredth series. This should be understood as a possible indication of the incompatibility Kaby Lake processors and motherboard chipsets, the hundredth generation.
Kaby Lake processors will support memory type DDR4-2400 (1.2 V) and DDR3L-1600 (1.35) and raise the performance of cores relative to Skylake. The models with two and four cores distributed in three TDP values : 35 W, 65 W and 95 watts. Models with the free multiplier will be quad.
On the one hand, Intel promises improved overclocking potential on the bus.
Graphic system processors Kaby Lake 5K will support the resolution at a refresh rate 30 Hz with one display, and refresh rate of 60 Hz with two displays. There are hardware-accelerated video decoding HEVC VP9 and a 10-bit format.
Platform Kaby Lake will also support Intel Optane, Thunderbolt 3, Ready Mode Technology and RealSense - the latter will be increasingly used in mobile devices, since it allows to work with stereoscopic photographs, obtained from regular camera.
Chipset will support 24 lines PCI Express 3.0 and six SATA-600 ports and up to 10 ports USB 3.0, moreover promises a high degree of flexibility in configuring ports compared to its predecessor. Related Products :