ZOTAC adamant - at an event dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the brand, showed a sample pack of virtual reality .
The manufacturer prefers not to hide gaming PC for the soft contours of the shell - backpack turned out quite angular. We know that inside is an economical CPU Core i5-6400T, which can coexist with different graphics cards, but the level is not below the GeForce GTX 1070. The battery pack allows you to work with a helmet virtual reality HTC Vive for two hours without recharging.
Power 12 V is connected to the "System knapsack" with a thin plug on the top panel. In addition to the socket for the battery power supply, there are jacks for headphones and microphone, three ports HDMI, two DisplayPort and six USB 3.0 ports and two network ports.
Assembled with a battery pack weighs 4.9 kg. It is difficult to judge the size of the device, without having data on anthropometric characteristics .
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