In the semiconductor industry referred to as "Moore's Law" An empirical principle for a long time determined the rate of increase in productivity of microprocessors and reduce their unit costs. With the transition to a new process give priority it could be different factors: a reduction in production costs by reducing the size of the crystal, or reduce energy consumption or increase productivity. Each developer was able to independently form the balance of these benefits.
As explained by the publication Electrek, a trend towards improvement of the characteristics observed in the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries, even without a radical change in technologies and materials they will gradually increase the charge density of storage. Representatives of Tesla Motors, which uses lithium-ion batteries Panasonic, explained that during the transition from the Tesla Roadster to the Tesla Model S the company managed to increase the density of the charge storage by 40%, and the transition to the Tesla Model 3, the figure will be improved by 30%.
Of course, this does not mean that the power reserve Tesla Model 3, exactly 30% will exceed the corresponding characteristic Tesla Model S. The Electric vehicles have different masses, and the characteristics of the motor will be certainly different . Furthermore, to increase the manufacturer's density charge storage means at a constant battery capacity can be made smaller, lighter and cheaper. And in the case of Tesla Model 3, the economic factor is almost dominant. On average, according Tesla Motors, charge storage density is increased by 5% per year.
US government will require all four-wheel hybrid and electric vehicles curb weight of 4.5 tons, manufactured from September 2019, the generation of sound when driving at speeds up to 30 km / h, which would warn pedestrians of the approaching vehicle . After reaching a speed of 30 km / h sound is not required .