Snapdragon processors 400 Series is used in smart watches Motorola and LG.
Senior vice president of Qualcomm Chendhok Rob believes that wearable computers will be affected by fashion, but because the design of appropriate devices must be diversity. People want to have the same set of smart watches, picking up each case a certain model. From a technical standpoint, this means that one smartphone alternately communicate with different watches. And that such a change is transparent to the user, need some standardized communication protocols. Owner should not re-tuning watches each time.
Secondly, Qualcomm representative does not believe that wearable devices must be running real time operating systems and Linux derivatives are not suitable. Advanced process technologies will reduce energy consumption of processors used in smart watches, and developers will focus on that operating system, which offers a more convenient infrastructure, less thinking about the level of energy consumption.
Over time, Qualcomm will launch a specialized processors for portable computers. In this area, special attention must be paid to optimizing the processing of data obtained from various sensors. The idea is that the main part of portable devices will send the collected data to the cloud, and data analysis will be already on the server. Handheld devices must learn to adapt to the user's lifestyle, something to anticipate his actions. Eventually, a part of data processing functions to be distributed in favor of wearable devices themselves and their processors.