The processor's ability to achieve high frequency during overclock depends on many factors used in the production process technology, micro-architecture features, such as cooling and thermal interface, as well as the number of active cores. As a rule, the higher the frequency, the less active core remains - the only way to achieve stability in extreme conditions.
However, processors are still alive, which in this sense has nothing to lose - they mononuclear initially. More precisely, they have one active core at the behest of the manufacturer, although produced on the basis of dual-core chips. An example is the Sempron 150 generation Sargas, which in the hands of enthusiast Doc.Brown overclocked to 6699 MHz, using liquid nitrogen. In fact, the default frequency of the processor was increased by 2.3 times!
Moreover, in the test wPrime 32M processor speed managed to keep at 6553 MHz, which gives a result 22,219 seconds and the first place for this model, as well as second in absolute standings among all single-core processors. Related Products :