Under the auspices of the Swiss Research Foundation by IBM, along with other scientists was developed a technique of using heat pumps, absorption-type cooling of server systems. Under the heat pump generally is a device capable of transferring heat energy from the source of low-grade thermal energy to the consumer at a higher temperature. Essentially, the principle of the refrigeration plant demonstrates how to use the condensation of the refrigerant to cool one or another surface.
IBM Representatives offers to fill the space between the ribs of the radiator silica - a substance that is used to absorb liquid vapor to protect optical systems . Thus as the refrigerant can use ordinary water.
According to experts, the widespread use of such systems based on heat pumps will allow by 2040 to reduce the consumption of electricity for the needs of refrigeration and air conditioning by up to 65%, and the consumption of fossil fuels for heating can be reduced by 18%. Related Products :