Oculus VR company justified the need to eliminate the delays in response to user actions, which can cause people with sensitive vestibular system seasickness attacks . The creators of the device HTC Vive say that their child is deprived of this unpleasant effect initially.
According to Valve, if you can talk about the impact of computer hardrware on the human vestibular system, the cause of "motion sickness" is not slow processors and interfaces, and the specificity of human perception of input methods. If a player in the head-mounted display is based on the classic manipulator movements or keystrokes, his mind inevitably finds a similar relationship with the ongoing actions and the artificial. This causes motion sickness. If we rely on motion detection by sensors, and give the user some freedom of movement (HTC Vive "reads" movement within the area of 5 x 5 meters), the problems with "seasick" can be avoided. That is, the player's movement should be more natural, and if the developers of games and applications do not understand this, then blame the hardware is meaningless.
In addition, Valve experts believe that about one in ten of the "newcomers" in the field of virtual reality may be experiencing symptoms of motion sickness only for self-hypnosis and increased suspiciousness, based on rumors and prejudices.