Blizzard Overwatch gradually adds more and more new characters. The project should live, and the key to successful life game lies in the diversity of its gameplay.
Since its release Overwatch in May last year, he has added two new characters, and it's time to add a third.
Fans of the game have put forward the theory that a new character in the game will be a Fist of Death (Doomfist) - the mighty warrior, the main weapon which is a mechanical "glove", giving him such a fantastic effect that he at one stroke "can carry the whole house" . This glove is a valuable cargo, which accompany the characters in the museum on the map Numbani.
Incidentally, the theory rests on a serious base.
But it seems that all these vague hints no longer relevant. Leading developer Overwatch Jeff Kaplan on the forum, he said: "24 - is not the one who you think." Under the "24" refers to the 24 th game character. Since all the gaming community Overwatch thinking about Fist of Death, this statement can be considered as a confirmation that the next character - this is not it.
On the other hand, it is important to note that Blizzard is working on several new game characters.
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