Nightmare of any trade union activist, which is there to protect the real interests of employees, is now becoming the emergence of robots that can replace the person in the workplace.
Japanese company Panasonic has released a short video about their own approach to the introduction of robotics in the lives of ordinary Japanese. Manufacturer offers people and robots co-exist peacefully and productively, rather than compete.
Firstly, in the factories, are the result of lifting and moving heavy objects, so-called exoskeletons to help increase the carrying capacity of man without any harm to his health. By reducing the load on the lumbar back office to the equivalent of 15 kg, similar to exoskeleton can operate without recharging for eight hours.
Transformed into a wheelchair medical Resyone bed allow to care for the sick, not able to move independently. Half the bed in this case, squats and bends so that the patient need only to move to this side of the bed, and the preparation for the further movement of the wheelchair actuators will hold their own. This product has already received a certificate of compliance with ISO 13482 .
Panasonic is also developing medical robotics, allowing patients with muscular dysfunction on their own to move , and thus avoid muscle atrophy bodied and limbs. robot applies Force only required to compensate for violations of its own functions. This technique is highly in demand in Japan, because the high cost of these devices is not contrary to local social customs and living standards. Related Products :