ASRock and Universal abit companies are the only motherboard producers on base of chipset AMD RS600, which supports intel processors . Situation with chipset accessibility still not clear, but this did not prevent aSRock company from releasing the motherboard 4Core1333-FullHD. Today we have new information about the chipset RS600 ( last chipset from from ATI for intel platform) .
AMD wanted to stop the deliveries of chipset RS600 immediately after ATI company purchase ; however, they already obtained orders for deliveries from universal abit company , which release motherboard under abit trade mark . It was necessary to adjust the production and deliveries of chipset RS600.
Abit could not absorb all released RS600 chipsets , and AMD decided to sell the remaining chips to aSRock company . In AMD opinion , as report Taiwan sources, aSRock motherboards sales (on base chipset RS600) cannot substantially harm AMD chipset for their own platform, since aSRock production has sufficiently narrow geographical distribution.
Thus, ASRock keep the last copies of chipset ATI for intel platform .The party volume are sufficiently large; therefore ASRock can for long time use this resource. The motherboard aSRock 4Core1333-FullHD has good consumer qualities, and with reasonable price.