Intel is still one of the few semiconductor manufacturers products that has its own facilities. Intel has continued to hold on to so-called Moore's Law, an impressive annual spending funds to improve their own lithographic technology.
Altera company was recently bought by Intel, the last is TSMC customer , and therefore questions of the company leadership after the deal with Altera inevitably arose. Board Chairman Morris Chang said that in the future, Intel may become TSMC client . In this sense, the company is open to any new customers. In addition, according to Chan, currently the most promising segment of the market is the Internet of Things: the volume of orders for the release of chips for a different sort of connected to a global network of devices will grow in the coming years .
TSMC itself will only produce chips for these devices, but not the final product. For this segment TSMC has procured a special version of the 55-nm, 40-nm and 28-nm process technology, which combines the simplicity of design, low power consumption and affordable costs.