Representatives of Intel company has repeatedly noted that the performance can not be measured by the quality of microprocessor. Modern processors - a set of hardware solutions, which, above all, should effectively carry out its multifaceted tasks. At the current stage and the subsequent stages of the development of the semiconductor industry, Intel focuses on two things. Firstly, it is the improvement of energy efficiency or consumption per watt. Secondly, the reduction in processor production costs or improving the value of the indicator in terms of a single transistor.
Note AMD has a lagging indicator for the performance of medium and high-end solutions have to bet on the growth of computing power. AMD Zen Cores, is expected to be able to increase productivity by 40% in terms of the number of executed instructions per clock cycle. This will also contribute to the transition to 14-nm process technology and FinFET transistors. At Intel's there no such reserve. It already produces 14-nm solutions and will pass in the second half of 2017 to release 10-nm processors. As admitted at the conference Bernstein Annual Strategic Decisions on Wednesday Intel CEO - Krzhanich Brian - the transition to 10-nm process technology will improve the performance of cores by the amount of 10% to 20%.
The same will happen when you go to 7-nm process production rates. This process technology will add more performance to Intel processors by 10% to 20% .