According to associate NVIDIA company has a serious issue with the production of GT300 chips, which are intended for use in top- class 3d- accelerators  .
It is reported that at  TSMC in the latter several weeks the percentage of suitable chip did not exceed 2%, that extremely low index, especially for expensive GPU.
From four 300- mm plates the producer obtained only seven suitable GT300 chips. However, on each plate is placed 104 GT300 GPU. So that 7 from 104 on 4 plates is only 1,68% of suitable production… But the minimum expected percentage of the release of suitable chips was at 20% (expected maximum is 50% in this case).
We also hope that the following trial release, which will take place through several weeks will show better result.
However, as it was promised, during September the company, probably, will be able to show the first models GT300, but with this percent of suitable product production , The expected GT300Â in the fourth quarter this year (with the market accessibility 2010), can be postponed to the later date.