Many test where done for Conroe processors but very few people paid attention to such important questions as influence of the second cache level and also influence the memory operative memory on speed of system. they will be the large choice not only between models Conroe 2 Mb and 4 Mb " cache of the second level " but also between operating modes of memory - very few people will be limited to mode DDR2-800.
there was an informative research about this influence and for the basic variable factors for the system speed. First of all, the estimation of influence of the cache volume on productivity in separate appendices is interesting.
Going from 2 Mb up to 4 Mb showed faster performance in rendering , mathematical calculations and videocoding. For them the difference does not exceed 3 %. It means, that paying special attention to such appendices users can safely buy processors Core 2 Duo with 2 Mb cache, and then overclock it to get performancel.
Gamer will usually feel the gain in speed with presence of more capacious cache in the second level. Advantage will reach 5-6 %. The most seen gain was with archiver program such winrar the performance increase was 7 % . Such programs use everything, but keep in your mind that this 7% in not for all program this what u must remenber before making choice between model Conroe 2 Mb and 4 Mb .
It is necessary to remember, that the difference in the price between younger models Conroe 2 Mb and 4 Mb would be large . another matter, that younger model will have a low multiplier which can limit their overclocking capability, but it already problems of current motherboard
Speaking about influence of the memory operative speed , it would be desirable to note the affinity of the results received for modes DDR2-533 (CL3), DDR2-667 (CL4) and DDR2-800 (CL5). With increase of memory frequency performance would increases , however at equal frequencies the greater gain go with lower timing. In a word, it is necessary to select the best combination speed / timing to get the most of the systema
Conroe shows smaller dependence from timing , than systems of class AMD64, and it is quite natural, in fact the last possess a built in memory controller. For example, going from DDR2-800 (4-4-4-12) to DDR2-533 (4-4-4-12) in Conroe based system is accompanied by falling in performance about 6-9 % whereas for Socket AM2 a similar step will result in falling for about 13-17 %.
It is important to understand, that systems on the basis of Conroe win from asynchronous overclocking, at which the memory frequency work above the system bus. Thus all is equally desirable to select an optimum combination of memory frequency and timing. For this reason conroe overclockers should look is high end quality memory with high speed frequency and low timing. The motherboard too should have developed opportunities on memory overclocking.