After practical observations we could note that the processors generation sandy bridge are sufficiently complicated to overclock to the frequencies more than 5.7-5.8 GHz. It is complicated to noticeably increase the frequency of bus relative to the standard value 100 MHz, and the processor multiplier rises to 58x or 59x only in the most successful copies. It is remarkable, that cooling processor in this case can remain air, since extreme cold negatively influences the processor .
Today appeared a new record of core i 7 -2600K processor , where the processor was overclocked to the frequency of 5.94 GHz with liquid nitrogen cooling. The bus frequency was equal to 104 MHz, the processor multiplier was increased to 57x. the owner of this copy notes that the processor favorably reacts to the temperature decrease approximately to the level of -40 degree Celsius.
The result Of piFast under these conditions was 12,36 seconds. These are third after the achievements of two overclocked to 6930-6947 MHz processors Core i 7 -980X Extreme edition result. Related Products :