Computer games world waited appearances of NVIDIA representatives at the GTC 2016 and the accompanying meeting with analysts. While official comments are not received, remains to rely on rumors. In particular, associate Sunday reported about the preparations for the production of flagship NVIDIA solutions with symbol GP100.
The source claims that the silicon bridge flagship Pascal architecture representative will produce TSMC company - the presence of the component implies that the GPU will coexist with HBM type memory chips generation. For TSMC is not the first issue of a silicon bridge - the company supplies the same component Xilinx, but in this case the product does not exceed the area of 775 square millimeters If you talk about a silicon bridge for GP100, its area is 1200 square millimeters - which is 20% more than the GPU AMD Fiji.
Italian colleagues add that TSMC company will deal also with GP100 packaging . For comparison, AMD similar operation instructs the Korean contractor Amkor, which is why the packaging graphics processor Fiji even present inscription "Korean origin" product. Silicon Bridge on 45-nm technology for Fiji produces UMC company.