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cpu chart intel conroe x6800 - e6700 - e 6600 vs amd fx 62 fx 60 x2 4000+ vs pentium xe 965 xe 955 xe 840 d820 d810 review and overall performance benchmark test
Posted:2006-09-20 By cpu review
Number of View:67363


E6700 - E 6600 VS AMD FX 62 FX 60

X2 4000+ VS PENTIUM XE 965 XE 955

XE 840 D820 D810 REVIEW AND



By :cpu review


xtreview is your : Video card - cpu - memory - Hard drive - power supply unit source

cpu chart intel conroe x6800 - e6700 - e 6600 vs amd fx 62 fx 60 x2 4000+ vs pentium xe 965 xe 955 xe 840 d820 d810 review and overall performance benchmark test

Intel Core 2 duo X6800:first  on the new core

As we already wrote earlier, the new Intel processors  under the code name Core 2 duo,  was included in  two subgroups - with the index "E" (consumption from 55 to 75 W) and only  one copy with highest  frequency of 2.93 GHz and index "X" with power consumption  above 75 W .the letter  index  is in association with the previous processors of   series "XE" - eXtreme Edition. Unfortunately, there is no additional bonus  over the desktop series  - only the high frequency (witch is good) , higher power consumption (witch is bad)  and the free multiplier witch overclocker will enjoy.

Hardware and software used

Test Configuration

Athlon 64 fx-62
MSI K9N SLI Platinum (Bios 9.03)
Corsair Cm2x1024-6400 (5-5-5-12)
Athlon 64 fx-60

EPoX Ep-9npa3 (Bios 06.03.30)

Corsair Cmx1024-3500llpro (2-3-2-6)
Core 2 duo E6600

Intel D975XBX (Bios 1181)

Corsair Cm2x1024-6400 (5-5-5-12)
Core 2 duo E6700

Intel D975XBX (Bios 1181)

Corsair Cm2x1024-6400 (5-5-5-12)
Core 2 duo X6800

Intel D975XBX (Bios 1334)

Corsair Cm2x1024-6400 (5-5-5-12)
Pentium XE 965

Intel D975XBX (Bios 1181)

Corsair Cm2x1024-6400 (5-5-5-12)

  • Video card - GeForce 7800GTX 256 mb (Megabyte)
  • Memory used - 2 gb (2 modules 2*1 gig)
  • Hard disk - Samsung SP1614C (SATA)
  • Using default cooler - stock cooler was used in all processors
  • Power supplay unit - Thermaltake PurePower 680 Watt

Athlon 64 fx-62
Athlon 64 fx-60
Core 2 duo E6600
Core 2 duo E6700
Core 2 duo X6800
Pentium XE 965
Tech  Process
90 nm
90 nm
65 nm
65 nm
65 nm
65 nm
Core Frequency, GHz

Number or core

Cache L2 *, KB
Bus frequency **, MHz
400 ddr2
200 ddr
266 HT
266 HT
266 HT
266 HT
Default Multiplier
Socket AM2
Socket 939
Typical heat emission of ***
125 W
110 W
55-75 W
55-75 W
> 75 W
130 W
Virtualization Technology


  1. Windows xp Professional X64 Edition SP1.
  2. 3ds max 7.0
  3. Maya 6.5
  4. Lightwave 8.5 x64 Edition
  5. WinRAR 3.51
  6. "7.Zip 4.32 x64 Edition
  7. LAME 3.98
  8. Monkey Audio 4.01
  9. OGG Encoder 2.8 (Lancer)
  10. Windows media Encoder 9 x64 Edition
  11. MATLAB 7.1
  12. Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0
  13. SolidWorks 2005
  14. Microsoft Visual C++ Professional 6.0
  15. CPU RightMark 2005 lite x64 Edition
  16. F.E.A.R. 1.3
  17. Half- life 2
  18. Unreal Tournament 2004 build 3339
  19. Quake 4 Release 1.1
  20. FineReader Professional 8.0
  21. Adobe Photoshop CS2 (9.0)
  22. Canopus ProCoder 2.01.30
  23. DivX 6.1.1
  24. Windows media Video 9 VCM
  25. x264 v.438
  26. XviD 1.1.0 release
  27. Apache 2.0.55 for Windows


  1. NVIDIA ForceWare 91.31
  2. NVIDIA nForce SMBus Driver 4.50
  3. Intel INF Update


Some interesting details

For the beginning small  We principally test all processor using the stock heat sink and of cource this one if far to be the best cooler availble but 90% of users will not care about it, taking into account that  in the complete set with the processor the cooling device has  been already  delivered.

Intel Core 2 duo X6800 to us come without cooler, but we made the logical assumption that if the size of socket and the fan rotating was not changed, then cooler will be standard for all intel processors  this what we used.

intel conroe cooler

Standard cooler for Intel processors  with the copper base 

The cooler used was more that enough to cool the conroe cpu the cpu idle temp was 28 c with room temp of 28c but keep in your mind that the new core Intel Core 2 is considerably less hotter than old, but it cooler  were developed  taking into account that Pentium 4 prescott witch was beating all records of heat emission

intel conroe cooler

GlacialTech Igloo 5071 PWM (to the right). Inexpensive, but completely successful cooler  for LGA775 with the screw fastening, which ensures good working temp.

Three-dimensional simulation : 3dmax maya and lightwave benchmark

3dmax maya and lightwave test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

3dmax maya and lightwave test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

3dmax maya and lightwave test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

3dmax maya and lightwave test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

3dmax maya and lightwave test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

3dmax maya and lightwave test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

3dmax maya and lightwave test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

3dmax maya and lightwave test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

3dmax maya and lightwave test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

The   additional 266 MHz  frequency produced smaller effect than earlier p4 version: the difference in performance between E6600 and E6700 composes approximately 10%, and between E6700 and X6800 - already modest 7%. .3d rendering application show that clock for clock conroe is about 75%-50% faster than AThlon 64 cpu.so in 2 ghz conroe cpu are about fast as 2500-3000 MHz athlon 64 cpu.the old p4 architecture show good result is such application thanks to the hyperthreading thechnologie witch give them the nice boost. as a reference the pentium xw965 is about as fast as fx62 amd cpu

Math Lab

math lab test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

math lab test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

For this test first part "FTT" the new conroe duo show twice better performace than amd cpu.the athlon x2 4000+ with has 2 x2.4 ghz is about twice slow than the conroe e6600 witch has the same frequency but with double cache ammount

Pro engineer

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Solid works

solid work test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...


compilation c++ intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

Well another good exemple of the artchitecture efficite the old p4 Dis completely fail.the 2 ghz  from intel 7.30 witch is better than all old intel p4.is this case conroe is about 25% faster than A64.in the overall the new intel conroe is about twice as fast as old petium d core

Project RightMark

right mark intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

Processing and images scanning  (photoshop)

photoshop test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

photoshop test intel vs amd cpu chart conroe amd 64 fx petium d...

The same figure here .

WEB- server

web server performance test intel vs amd cpu chart

For web server application.we devinded the task on three type small ,medium and big one.for the first one conroe is the leader even the top end fx 62 from amd is not able to catch the E6600 model.old p4 core is about somehow slower than A64 here.we see the same figure for medium and big task .the amd 64 still between the old p4 D and conroe cpu.

Files Packing  

file packing performance test intel vs amd cpu chart

file packing performance test intel vs amd cpu chart

well here is some daily use task winrar or 7-zip are file archiving utility.winrar as 7 zip are memory subsystem depondant so the higher the brandwidth the faster compression.Even the integrated memory controller with the low latency do not help the A64 to catch the conroe witch look powerful enough even in such memory related benchmark. in borth case the fx62 (2.8 ghz ) perform wrost that the 2.13 conroe cpu.

Coding  audio data

audio encoding benchmark intel vs amd cpu chart

audio encoding benchmark intel vs amd cpu chart

audio encoding benchmark intel vs amd cpu chart

audio encoding benchmark intel vs amd cpu chart

P4 was alwais stranger in those task for video/audio editing.conroe here is about 30% faster than A64 cpu witch already faster than p4 .intel do good job with conroe cpu since their new core is about 100% and even more faster clock for clock than intel pentium 4 d cpus

Coding videodata

video encoding benchmark intel vs amd cpu chart

video encoding benchmark intel vs amd cpu chart

video encoding benchmark intel vs amd cpu chart

video encoding benchmark intel vs amd cpu chart

Nothings new  in video encoding amd 64 cpu are in equality with old p4 cpus ,with slight lead.and conroe is taking by far the lead  showing isane encoding time witch about twice faster than with A64.

Texts recognition System

Texts recognition System benchmark intel vs amd cpu chart

For fine reader the conroe is the leader and the same figure remain with A64 witch was faster than P4 D cpus but slower than intel new come.

Three-dimensional games

fear conroe x6800 benchmark

Well conroe cpu here break all the cpu limitation and max out for realy the video card.about 310 fps in low resolutionwith high end amd cpu  athlon 64 Fx-62 but with conroe x6800 u get about 510 fps witch is already 200 fps higher .nothings wrong with the new intel cpu all precedent benchmark showed that conroe has solid performance and a lot faster than A64 cpus.in medium setting conroe offer also nice boost with about 20 fps over the A64 cpu but here @ those setting it is pretty clear that card start to max out.

half life conroe x6800 benchmark

Using half-life 2 result look even better.the variance in perfomance depond most in cpu .then conroe is without question the leader the high end conroe cpu x6800 offer 200-185-143 fps recpectively for low medium and high setting and resolution wile Amd 64 fx 62 has got only 121-119-97 wich in average lower by 80 to 60 fps

quake 4 conroe x6800 benchmark


Quake 4 is alos cpu depondant game since conroe offer about 20% higher frame rate than amd 64 or p4 .here the A64 proof to be old gamer cpu with slight performance over the p4 d cpus.

unreal 2004 conroe x6800 benchmark

Well Amd 64 confirm here it lost over the current conroe cpu in gaming as in most all other application if not all.but as it was showin before it offer better game play than pentium 4 d cpu

General marks

General marks

General marks

General marks

Effectiveness in the conversion to the gigahertz of the frequency

Effectiveness in the conversion to the gigahertz of the frequency


The last general overall chart speak about the hole of benchmark serie done here.first about the effecity .conroe is by far more efficent than old p4 cpu in most case by twice amd about 25% and higher than amd 64 cpus.the AmD 64 fx 62 cpu did not solve the solution for amd cpu .i am pretty sure that even the next awaited fx 64 with 3 ghz frequency will not give any real boost just more heat.in general to get the performance of the conroe x6800 cpu from Amd cpu A64 this is dowable but with tone of cooling we are talking here about chiller or even azote.side power the conroe showed already extra result since it have lower power requirement than Amd 64 cpu.the only lack with conroe cpu is their motherboard witch until the moment prooved to be poor clocker but even with worst of them u can get easly the lowest conroe cpu to the 2 ghz ++ witch iss  enough to match and even break result from fx 62 cpu.

xtreview is your : Video card - cpu - memory - Hard drive - power supply unit source

cpu chart intel conroe x6800 - e6700 - e 6600 vs amd fx 62 fx 60 x2 4000+ vs pentium xe 965 xe 955 xe 840 d820 d810 review and overall performance benchmark test

we would be happy to answer for your question . if you have suggestion or comment regarding this review our support would be glad to help just join our forum and ask u will get the best answer to discuss check our forum section :-)


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xtreview -  cpu chart intel conroe x6800 - e6700 - e 6600 vs amd fx 62 fx 60 x2 4000+ vs pentium xe 965 xe 955 xe 840 d820 d810 review and overall performance benchmark test

cpu chart intel conroe x6800 - e6700 - e 6600 vs amd fx 62 fx 60 x2 4000+ vs pentium xe 965 xe 955 xe 840 d820 d810 review and overall performance benchmark test
cpu chart intel conroe x6800 - e6700 - e 6600 vs amd fx 62 fx 60 x2 4000+ vs pentium xe 965 xe 955 xe 840 d820 d810 review and overall performance benchmark test

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