We had the capability to ascertain that video card series radeon x1950 GT can compete from with 7900 GS, and in China they possess sufficiently attractive price. It became later clear that to announce Radeon x1950 GT were ready some companies, which supply their production for the global world market.
From this positions it has sense to introduce for our readers the original product of Chinese company colorful, which recently decided to present its production. This video card radeon x1950 GT with 512 mb memory of type GDDR- E, high frequencies, effective cooler and original power subsystems . It appears thus:
For cooling the video chip was used the sequential clone of cooler zalman. Memory with is not equipped radiators ; however, this memory is not only 512 mb., but also pretyy fast with access time 1.1 ns. Theoretically, this memory of production samsung is capable to work at frequencies in the order of 1800 MHz DDR, but the producer of video card set smaller frequency - 1400 MHz DDR. So the operating frequencies of video card are (500/1400 MHz) higher than the recommended for Radeon X1950 GT (500/1200 MHz).
Special attention deserves the power subsystem , which not only has uncommon layout , but also are used high-quality capacitors.
As we many time noted, precisely the failure of standard design for radeon x1950 pro resulted in the bad overclock . Radeon x1950 GT from Colorful is a example in this approach. Alas, about the overclocking abilities of the Chinese video card associates has reported nothing . Then price is known - in China it does not exceed $155. Related Products :