In exhibition ceBIT 2008, many producers will demonstrate motherboards on base of chipset Intel p45. The announcement of such chipset will take place directly in the second-half of the following block.
Here is the photograph of system on base of motherboard gigabyte P45-DS3R, based on Intel p45 + ICH10R.
This demonstration used dual core processor core 2 Duo e8500 (3.16 GHz), two gigabyte DDR 2-1066 memory and the passively cooled video card GeForce 9600 GT. This motherboard is capable to support DDR 2-1200 memory in four DIMM slots.
Intel officially provides support of processors with 1333 MHz system bus, which is combined with the memory operation modes DDR 2-800 and DDR 3-1333.
The special features of intel p45 chipset, is the ability to support two video card ( crossfire ), which work according to PCI express x8 + PCI express x8. Furthermore, this chipset support PCI express 2.0.
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