In contrast to AMD 780G or 790GX, the newly released chipset AMD 740G appeared without press releases or loud declarations. The 740G Graphic core can be compared to the popular 690G.
It is built on base of the discrete graphic processor x700 (clock frequency 400 MHz), but it is equipped with the optimized block, which corresponds to the work with video, Avivo HD/UVD.
In the 3D part its possibility are limited to Shader model 2.0. Moreover, one essential difference is the used 55- nm technical process, (instead of 65- nm). AMD 740G motherboards will be equipped with the south bridge SB700.
From the limitations of new chipset let us note the limited hyperTransport ( connection between north bridge and processor ), and also the absence of PCI express 2.0 support. AMD 740G motherboard will support only processors with TDP not above 95 W.