A breakthrough in the creation of quantum computers is often associated with graphene. This material thickness of one atom to the properties of the so-called topological insulator when the voltage flow is carried by the edges of the material, rather than inside it. Restriction of movement and controlled voltage flow allows to speak about such devices as transistors.
The scientists were able to obtain the quantum effect using boron nitride, creating a material thickness of only three atoms. In this case, a topological field-effect transistor (TFET, topological field effect transistor), which you can switch the state due to the transfer of the electron spin.
The new transistor uses quantum Hall effect with the management of spintronics. Up to this point the two phenomena have been studied and applied individually. Hall effect manifests itself in a two-dimensional gas atmosphere at extremely low temperatures. Applying the film material perpendicular magnetic field (in the photos is the red line), at the junction formed the transition from quantum effect. In other words, the transition has the property at the same time open and closed transistor.
Of course, the next step would be an attempt to develop a repetition effect at room temperature. Related Products :