Intel Quarterly report has information about problem: some of the processors Atom C2000 contains a defect, which eventually brings them down. These processors are used in microserver and telecommunications equipment, advanced storage systems and other solutions.
In the January update documentation Atom C2000 processors do have a reference to the defect that leads to an inability to boot the system and it suddenly stop working forever. Failure of a clock, without which the processor is not able to work. This happens after intensive use of the system within the period that does not exceed the established by the regulatory life of the equipment. In other words, CPU resources are not enough even for a minimum service life.
What part of the issued B0 stepping processors affected by this defect was not specified, but Intel claims that the problem can be solved and at the level of the platform, without upgrading the processor. Based on earlier comments, Intel will still have to release a new revision Atom C2000 processors. Intel Partners are reluctant to talk about the relationship of defects of the equipment with data processors, but if we analyze their activity, many do not remain aloof from this problem. According
to Intel forecasts, this defect will have far-reaching consequences for the financial statements of the corporation.
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